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Gay Couple Has Given Birth To A Baby Girl

 A US gay couple who exchanged vows in a happy wedding ceremony in 2019 has welcomed a bouncy baby girl.     On  March 31, the delighted parents announced their healthy bundle of joy born via surrogate.  ______________________________________________ Ads                        BET NOW ______________________________________________ The couple's loved ones could not contain their joy after seeing a photo of them posing with their princess.       


1. Keep your body hydrated all the time.       Staying hydrated is always prudent for maintaining good health. Drink enough water when necessary. Always make sure you drink a glass of water before going to bed. And don't forget to drink every morning when you wake up from bed. This will help keep your body hydrated.  2. Meditate On a Regular Basis       Meditation helps you connect with your inner self and the Almighty.  It helps to reduce stress, controls Anxiety, balances emotional health, improves attention, and improves sleep as well. 

How To Bypass Phone Password

Have you forgotten your phone's password and don't know how to open it? Is it a numerical password or pattern lock? Don't worry, we have you covered. This blog will show you how to hard reset and get rid of your phone lock screen password without even using a computer. Strictly speaking, there are two major ways to reset any smartphone (Android) if you no longer remember the password. The First method is by using a Google program called  Google Find My Device  . This is an online process and can be used if it was turned on while you had access to the phone (it should usually be turned on by default). However, if I it's not turned on, then you will have no alternative rather than using the second method, Recovery Mode , which is easier to do. How to Use The Find My Device Method Head over to Sign in with the google account that is used as the main profile on your device. Select the phone you want to erase at the top left of the screen. ...

Kpanto Is Set To Release His New Album, 'S.O.S'

  Liberia hit maker  Skinnyboi Kpanto is about to entertain his fans and followers worldwide with a soul touching album tag 'Son Of The Soil (S.O.S)'. The Liberian singer and songwriter has bounced in the musical industry since he came back from his most recognized music tour in the US.  <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <!-- FutureKing --> <ins class="adsbygoogle"      style="display:block"      data-ad-client="ca-pub-7347219670157267"      data-ad-slot="3008941522"      data-ad-format="auto"      data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins> <script>      (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> In less than two months,  Kpanto has released four hit songs including the most trending ones...


CREATING A WEBSITE Most customers will expect to be able to find your business on the internet. Whether you are selling your products online, or simply want to provide some information about your business and your contact details, having a website is almost essential. It's a good idea to think about. what you hope to achieve with your website before you start creating one. Researching your competitors' websites can help you get a clear idea of what may work best for you. <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <!-- FutureKing --> <ins class="adsbygoogle"      style="display:block"      data-ad-client="ca-pub-7347219670157267"      data-ad-slot="3008941522"      data-ad-format="auto"      data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins> <script>     ...


  1         Set up and build your YouTube channel. Your channel is your personal presence on YouTube. Each YouTube account has one channel attached to it. A YouTube account is the same as a Google account, and creating a YouTube account will grant you access to other Google products, such as Gmail and Drive. Create your account or use your existing one. Add keywords to help people find your channel. You can add keywords by navigating to the Advanced section of your Channel Settings. Make sure that your keywords are relevant to your content. Your user name can also work for or against you. If it's short, easy to remember, and original, people will be more apt to remember you. However if you are using an existing account, you can always change your username by editing it on your Google+ account. Keep in mind, you can only change your user name 3 times at maximum before you have to wait 90 days to change it again.  ___________________________________________...